Chewing Resins
The oldest well-preserved example of chewing gum is 9000 years old! We have been chewing for thousands of years - in the prehistoric times we chewed several kinds of resins, sometime young birch bark, the Mayans used to chew a dried resin of a special tree called Sapodille - chicle, the Indians chewed spruce sap, Greeks chew "mastiha" which is also resin of a small tree.
The "Ancient chewing gum" was always made of a resin or of a sap of a tree, especially conifers. The first White settlers were inspired by ancient chewing gum and they started adding beeswax into it.
In 1848 in America, a man called John Curtis set up a business producing first chewing gums - The State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum.
Chewing is generally beneficial for people as it helps to relax, improves the ability to concentrate, refreshes breath and what´s more, chewing resin cleans teeth properly and protects it against dental carries and plaque, it has anti-septic effects and heals inflamed gums and relieves toothache. Today people are used to chewing polyvinyl acetate – synthetic gum that cannot be absorbed, contains chemical sweeteners, stabilizers, artificial preservatives and colours, artificial taste substances. These artificials and chemicals are never friendly with our teeth, gums and jaws. Chewing gums we offer are naturally made from Larch resin (Larix sibirica). Clean natural fruits or herbal extract are added, gums do not contain sugar or any artificial or chemical substances.