Iron is for the human body one of the most important elements, which the body cannot synthesize, but it is essential for many functions of the body. Iron acts as the most important in the transmission of oxygen to the body tissues. Failure of this function is manifested by fatigue and drowsiness, signs of deficiency in oxygen supply to the cells. By these particularly women suffer during menstruation, when within a few days there are losses to tens of milligrams of iron.
Iron is involved in respiratory processes, in the process of hematopoiesis, assists in normal production of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Iron is part of myoglobin – a protein responsible for maintaining the oxygen supply in the muscle tissues, and is also part of over 70 different enzymes. Therefore, iron deficiency is the cause of many failures of defense and adaptation mechanisms of the organism and metabolic pathways.
The need of iron for the human body is about 14 mg daily. Along with the food, people consume on average 14 mg of iron per day, but the digestive system is able to absorb only 3-10% of that amount. Metabolism of iron in the body is determined by many other factors.
The preparation ElemVitals – Iron with Siberian herbs has these valuable features
- high bioavailability of iron. It is provided by organic compounds containing iron and vitamin C, which significantly increases the iron absorption by the organism
- Saturation by the set of B vitamins (vitamins В1, В2, В6). Vitamin B6 promotes normal red blood cell formation, adds youth to the skin and energy to the body
- The complex is enriched with powder of deer antlers, which is a rich source of natural iron and other essential minerals
- It contains extracts of medicinal plants - burdock root extract and Siberian ginseng (eleutherococcus) extract
- assists in the normal metabolism of energy
- helps to reduce the feeling of tiredness and fatigue
- supports normal function of the immune system
- assists in normal fromation of red blood cells and hemoglobin
- promotes normal transfer of oxygen to the body tissues
Ingredients: siberian deer antler plasmatic powder, iron, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, folic acid, niacin, extracts of siberian ginseng (eleutherococcus enticosus), transparent capsule.
Use: Adults 1 capsule per day during meals.
Time of use: 1 month
Pack contents: 60 capsules
ElemVitals – Iron with Siberian herbs is a source of iron in its organic form
– the only form that the body can utilize 100%.
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